Partner Rewards
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Write code
Earn rewards
Become a developer in the Scout Game and earn rewards for contributing to over a thousand open source crypto repositories.
be a builder

Scout Game for Developers

Step 1

Step 1
Step 1
Sign Up & Apply

Connect your GitHub and let us verify your open-source contributions. Once you're approved, your Developer Card goes live, and you're in the game!

Step 2

Step 2
Step 2
Collect Gems Weekly

Earn Gems every week by tackling issues in qualified open-source projects. Contributions earn you 1, 10, 30, or even 100 Gems based on their impact. More Gems mean higher rank!

Step 3

Step 3
Step 3
Earn Rewards

Every week is a fresh leaderboard battle. Rank high and earn Scout Points to showcase your skills. You'll also get 20% of the revenue from Developer Card sales, boosting your rewards!

Step 4

Step 4
Step 4
Earn Tokens

Turn your skills into rewards. Collect tokens and prizes from top partners like Celo and Optimism for your contributions to the ecosystem.

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Write code & earn rewards!
Join Scout Game.
be a builder
Write code
Earn rewards
Become a developer in the Scout Game and earn rewards for contributing to over a thousand open source crypto repositories.
be a builder